G. D. Falksen http://www.gdfalksen.com/
The Ouroboros Cycle, Book 1: A Monster’s Coming of Age Story

How far would you go to save the one you love? Would you go beyond death?

This is the official soundtrack to The Ouroboros Cycle, Book One: A Monster’s Coming Of Age Story by G. D. Falksen, a paranormal adventure novel of vampires, werewolves, cults, and intrigue. This soundtrack features unique music inspired by A Monster’s Coming Of Age Story, along with a reading from the book by the author himself.




This soundtrack is the perfect companion piece to A Monster’s Coming Of Age Story, setting the mood as the story unfolds.
It is composed, recorded and mixed by Spiky http://www.spiky.fr

The Ourobouros soundtrack – Download page 1 July 2014